Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the “Battle of the Burn” fundraising event between two local rival high schools, Broad Run and Stone Bridge, would not be held this year.  Instead, the Stone Bridge High School DECA team got created and decided to hold their own “Battle of the Bulldogs” event which would be a fundraising competition between lower and upper classmen.  All money raised during this event would be donated to the Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department (AVFRD), a 501(3)(c) organization.

DECA held several COVID-safe fundraising events including a GoFundMe and two restaurant takeout spirit nights.  This event was led by Allie Howard and Elizabeth Cohen and because of their hard work along with the rest of the DECA team, they were able to present a check in the amount of $2,660.13 to Marvin Boyd of the AVFRD on December 17, 2020.  The AVFRD recognizes and thanks DECA for their hard work and donation!

AVFRD would also like to thank Allie and Elizabeth for their help in securing grocery store gift cards for the AVFRD’s first Virtual Holiday Bingo which was held on December 13th.  Both Allie and Elizabeth had the opportunity to talk about DECA during the Zoom event and they each called a round of BINGO.