This post originally appeared on the AVFRD The Alternate Channel Blog on 7/13/2014.
Hollowind Hosedown
I was able to visit the Hollowind Hosedown again this year; and, as always, the event was a real favorite. Full families gathered on the secluded cul de sac long before the arrival of the fire truck. Tents were set up and lawn chairs lined the street in anticipation of the annual event, when Ashburn firefighters bring out a truck, connect to a hydrant and thrill the kids with a hosedown. Â
Words cannot describe the shrieking and laughter of the kids as they splashed in the spray of the hose. The event this year was very nearly a washout with heavy rains earlier in the day and during the evening before. But the weather did not disappoint when it came time for the Hollowind Hosedown 2014! The sun made an appearance and the clouds rolled away just in time to make the kids happy for one more year. I can only imagine the childhood memories being made courtesy of Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department. Someday they will look back on the hosedown as favorite childhood memories. Â
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