Executive Director – AVFRD, Daniel E. Carroll II

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department

(703) 792-0006

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department

Receives Seat Belt Convincer for Open House on October 9th, 2022

Ashburn, Virginia: Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department [AVFRD] has received a seat belt convincer just in time for their first Open House since the COVID-19 Pandemic. The seatbelt convincer is designed to assist in educating the public of how beneficial the use of seat belts can be, even when involved in low-speed collisions.

“This seat belt convincer will be a great tool for AVFRD to assist in seat belt wearing education” says Mike Walsh, Assistant Chief of Rescue at AVFRD. He goes on and states “this will save lives.”

“We are excited to bring the seat belt convincer to events around Loudoun County, VA to provide public education on how important wearing seat belts are,” says Josh Townsend, President of AVFRD.

The seat belt convincer will be on display at the AVFRD annual Open House on October 9th, 2022, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. At the Open House AVFRD members will also be giving station tours, giving CPR Instruction, preforming Fire Safety Education, and much more! To see the full list of events, click here. Visit AVFRD at 20688 Ashburn Road, Ashburn, VA – Station No. 6.

Learn how to become a member of AVFRD by talking with a member at Open House or by visiting this website. AVFRD is currently accepting Administrative, Operational, or Live-In Members!

To request the seat belt convincer at your event, please fill out the “Community Request Form” by visiting this website.