AVFRD Commendations and Citations Submission Form

When completing the justification for a specific award, please provide a detailed description of the incident.  The justification should include, but not limited to the following information:

  • Summary paragraph of the specific act (what the person(s) did to deserve recognition)
  • Date of the act
  • Time of day of the act
  • Location of the act (street address)
  • Other participants in the act (name, rank, unit, etc.)
  • Persons given aid (age, sex, address, type of aid, hospitalization, diagnosis, outcome)
  • Injuries to nominee(s) (treatment, hospitalization, diagnosis)
  • Equipment used at scene
  • Equipment used by nominee(s)
  • What specific dangers existed
  • List specifically what the nominee did
  • Describe the area/scene (entry, path of rescue, hazards, point of rescue, weather, etc.)
  • Other recognition received by nominee