Volunteer Benefits
As an AVFRD member you are freely volunteering your time and talents, but there are many benefits beyond the pride and satisfaction you’ll feel by serving. Â Volunteers are eligible for benefits based on a “point” system. Points are earned by performing a variety of activities. Some benefits require that the member earn a certain number of points each year. Benefits include:
Retirement program benefits
- Upon reaching age 55, volunteers may receive up to $300 per month (amount depends on number of years of service and points accumulated).
Vehicle property tax deduction
- Loudoun County residents may qualify for a personal property tax reduction on one privately owned vehicle.
Free county vehicle decal
- Loudoun County residents may qualify for a free County and/or Town decal on one privately owned vehicle.
Tuition reimbursement
- Volunteers may qualify for up to $4,000 per year ($16,000 maximum in lifetime) in tuition reimbursement at an accredited college or university.
Free firefighter and emergency medical training
- All mandated training is provided at no cost to members.
Uniforms and Personal Protective Gear
- The department provides members with needed gear and equipment.
Influenza vaccinations
- Free flu shots are offered to members of the department.
Worker’s Compensation
- Volunteers who suffer an injury or illness due to the performance of volunteer duties are covered by the County’s Worker’s Compensation program.
Loudoun County Credit Union
- Volunteers can join the Loudoun County Credit Union.
Business Discounts
- Several area businesses offer discounts to AVFRD members.
Social Hall Rental
- AVFRD members are not charged a rental fee for use of Founders Hall. Security & Cleaning fees apply.
Other Rewards
- Satisfaction, pride and honor in helping others and meeting the challenge.
- Opportunity to meet new people and build friendships.
- Chance to gain critical decision-making abilities and enhance technical knowledge, team building and communication skills.
- Help build a stronger and safer community.