Meet the Team
Our members are the lifeblood of the Department.  They give take time away from the family, friends, hobbies and even work to serve the Ashburn community and surrounding Loudoun county.  These men and women are EMT’s, firefighters, administrative personnel – highly trained and professional – volunteers.  They are our family.
AVFRD’s Board of Directors provides leadership and guidance for the company, overseeing both administrative and operational matters.  Board members include operational leadership, executive leadership, as well as elected representatives from the company.  To learn more about our current board members, visit AVFRD Board of Directors.
AVFRD's operational leadership included the Chief of the Department, the Assistant Fire Chief and Assistant Chief for EMS. Â The Chiefs and their appointed officer corps provide day-to-day leadership, training and supervision of fire, rescue and EMS operations for each duty crew. Â To learn more about our operational leadership team, visit AVFRD Command Officers.
AVFRD's operational members include firefighters and EMS providers (EMT and paramedics). Â These dedicated men and women are on duty for at least one 12-hour shift per week, and often take additional shifts throughout the week. Â These trained professionals are there when our community calls for a medical emergency, fire or rescue. Â To learn more about our Operational members or about becoming a firefighter or EMT, visit AVFRD Operational Members.
AVFRD's administrative members provide invaluable services to keep the department funded and functioning.  From fundraising to formal functions, our admin team represents AVFRD.  You'll find our admin members at Open House, Pancake Breakfast and other events, as well as behind the scenes working on marketing, graphic arts, accounting and even on-scene at emergencies providing canteen services. To learn more about our Support Services members or to volunteer, please visit the AVFRD Support Services.
Our Life Members have dedicated at least 15 years of service to AVFRD, serving as operational members, administrative members or both. Â We honor those members and thank them for giving of their time and talents for so long! Â To learn more about our Life Members, visit AVFRD Life Members.