AVFRD Debuts Hands-Only CPR Kiosk at Open House

By |October 28th, 2016|Categories: AVFRD News|Tags: , , , , |

"Every person should know the simple steps of Hands-Only CPR,” said Rescue Chief Kevin Piatt, from Ashburn Volunteer Fire Rescue Department. “We hope the Hands-Only CPR kiosk that was previewed at AVFRD’s Fall Open House really takes off – we’d love to see other high-traffic places and events do the same [...]

McLean Training House

By |March 17th, 2013|Categories: Incidents|Tags: , |

This morning, 17 Ashburn Volunteers traveled to McLean, VA to do some valuable training on an acquired house slated for demolition. Training included Horizontal and Vertical Ventilation, Wall Breaching, Vent Enter Search, Hose Line Advancement and Forcible Entry. The unique thing about Acquired Structures is that Firefighters can train in [...]

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